Inspire Connect Explore Learn

The Career Education Council (CEC) is a registered charitable organization based in Guelph, Wellington, and Dufferin dedicated to providing youth with meaningful opportunities for exploring careers, building skills, and learning in a hands-on environment. We collaborate extensively with local employers, educators, and community partners to provide resources that will help youth to make more informed choices about their future education, training, and employment pathway.



Find out about our organization and explore results from our decades of advocacy.


Interested in getting involved? Volunteer with us, donate to the CEC, or sponsor on an ongoing CEC
event or initiative.


Upcoming Events


Current Programs & Projects

Career Exploration Portal

An online business, education, and community resource hub for youth

SHSM Certifications

Elective certifications for secondary students in the Specialist High Skills Major program

THRIVE in the Workplace

A wellness and readiness initiative for your current and future employees

Develop the Future

An app design program for middle year and secondary students interested in ICT

Media Lab

A group co-op program for secondary students with an interest in freelance, graphic design, and digital media

Let Me See Me

An EDI initiative for employers hoping to demonstrate their commitment to informed, meaningful action