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Free, Virtual Pilot Workshop - Financial Literacy for youth and young adults 102: Preparing for a large purchase

Are you between the ages of 15-24? Do you work or live with someone who is between the ages of 15-24? Then this workshop is for you. Facilitated by financial advisor, Sushil Shundil, BBA, RRC, the workshop will go over

  • differences in sources for borrowing money

  • what interest is, how it accumulates, and how to avoid it

  • reconsidering associated costs of a large purchase

If you are thinking about buying a car, a TV, saving for post-secondary education, or money management in general, this workshop is for you.

The workshop is around 1-hour long. We ask that attendees please stay for half hour afterwards to provide your feedback. Ashley Isenberg, CEC Training Lead will host a discussion group at this time so we can hear your thoughts and better understand the needs of today’s youth.

Register for Financial Literacy for youth and young adults 102 today to save your spot.

Note: any of our workshops from any series can be taken in any order. Attendance at Financial L:iteracy 101 not a perquisite to attend this workshop. Hope to see you there.